ok, for those unlucky few you haven't seen all the episodes or want to see Accidents Will Happen so badly they're gonna bust, this is a welcome alternative. say it with me now, soul seek. yes my dear. it's quite easy once you get the hang of it. read carefully and all your problems shall be solved...
(taken from DegrassiTHGHO group)
Step By Step Instructions on Downloading Episodes
Part 1: Downloading and Registaring
1. Download SoulSeek http://www.slsknet.org/slsk152.exe
2. Install it
3. Connect with it
4. Select Connection; Login As...
5. Make up a username
6. Make up a password
7. Confirm the password
8. Press OK.
9. After getting your username come back to the group and reply to this message giving us your username. We need it to allow you to download files from us.
10. I have made a file in the files section called SoulSeek User Name List, I will add your name to the list once I get a chance.
Part 2: Sharing Files
1. In your SoulSeek Client click the File Sharing button at the top.
2. Click the select button next to the box under Save folder for downloaded files
3. Select a folder you want your Degrassi episodes to download too. This will be the same folder you are sharing. Please note anything in this folder will be shared with the group so you may wish to create a new folder.
4. After selecting the folder press select.
5. Be sure there is a check mark in the box next to Share save folder.
6. Be sure there is a check mark in the box next to Share save folder's subfolders
7. Click the circle next to People in my user's list at the bottom.
8. Click OK
9. Please note if you are sharing other files too make a seperate shared folder for degrassi Videos.
Part 3: Creating Your User list
1. In the SoulSeek client look at the top box on the right. This is your user list (if it's not there click the User list button at the top of the screen).
2. Right Click in the User List and click Add User
3. Go to the files section of the Group and click on the file "SoulSeek User Name List"
4. Either Copy and Paste the first name on the list into the add user box or type it in manually. Than press ok.
5. Continue to do this for all names on the list.
6. Note you should check back to this list often and add any users who are added to the list. If you do not add them you will not be able to download files from them and they will not be able to download any files from you. The initial list is in Alphabetical order any new users will be placed at the bottom of the list.
Part 4: Downloading and Sharing
1. To download a file right click one of the users on your user list. You can only get files from online users, you can tell if there online by looking at the icon next to thier name. Blue menas online, red means offline.
2. Click Browse Files
3. A list of thier shared folders and files will come up. Press the Refreash File list button to double check that all thier files are showing up. The number next to thier name on the user list under files is supposed to be the number of files they are sharing, but it isn't always accurate; if they just added or downloaded something their could be more.
4. Find the file you want and double click it. If the Degrassi videos are not in the user's main shared folder check one of their other folders on the left. You may need to click the + next to the folder.
5. If they do not have what you are looking for check another user.
6. Please note me and Adam will have the most episodes but we will also be the busiest starting out and we can only allow a couple people downloading from us at a time. So if someone else has the file you are looking for get it from them.
7. If other people are already downloading from the user you wish to get a file from you will be put in a queueing line and as files finish the next person's file in line will begin downloading.
8. Please only have one episode downloading or queued at a time per user so traffic dosn't build up and other user can get to the files.
9. When you are online please have the SoulSeek client open (it minimizes to the taskbar)
10. Please do not move any episodes you download out of your shared folder.
11. After you have double clicked on a file press the Transfers button in the second row of buttons up top to see the download status. You can have more than one users file list open at a time just use the buttons in the second row at the top to toggle between them. To close a users file list right click the button with thier name on it and select close.
and there you go!